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Omnichain Tokens

Beam Omnichain Tokens

LayerZero (opens in a new tab) is an omnichain interoperability protocol that connects Beam to other networks. It enables everyone to build Omnichain tokens and NFTs on Beam that can be transferred cross-chain, and bridge existing assets from other networks.

Merit Circle's LayerZero contracts repository (opens in a new tab) is forked from LayerZero Labs' example contracts (opens in a new tab) and additionally includes all the necessary setup to get started with Beam, as well as more improvements like contract verification and better configuration options under the hood.

Contract types

LayerZero offers ready-made Omnichain contracts for ERC20-, ERC721- and ERC1155-based assets. There are three different main types of contracts serving as starting points for your contracts:

  • Proxies to wrap existing tokens
  • Regular tokens when deploying a new asset
  • ERC20 only: Native for gas tokens

The following extensions are available:

  • Upgradeable contracts
  • ERC20 only: Additional fee for bridging

Depending on your use case, you'll need to combine these differently. You can find common use cases in the examples section. The tables below are meant to help you to find the right contract type to base your Omnichain token on.

This repository contains contracts created by LayerZero which have been audited (opens in a new tab), and contracts built on top of those by Merit Circle. The latter haven't been formally audited yet, and are marked with * below.

Omnichain ERC20 tokens

Ominchain ERC20TokenProxyNative
With FeeOFTWithFeeProxyOFTWithFeeNativeOFTWithFee
Upgradeable + FeeOFTWithFeeUpgradeable*ProxyOFTWithFeeUpgradeable*NativeOFTWithFeeUpgradeable*

Omnichain ERC721 NFTs

Omnichain ERC721TokenProxy


  • ExtendedONFT721 & ExtendedONFT721Upgradeable * (Enumerable ONFT721 with on-chain royalties, updatable metadata uri and batch transfers)
  • MinterONFT721 & MinterONFT721Upgradeable * (ExtendedONFT721 with minting capabilities)
  • ONFT721A

Omnichain ERC1155 NFTs

Omnichain ERC1155TokenProxy


In the following section, we use Merit Circle's LayerZero contracts repository (opens in a new tab) to walk you through different use cases. The examples are tailored towards Beam, but the instructions can be adapted for any network supported by LayerZero.

To use the repository, you'll have to have NodeJS 16+ installed. Run yarn to install dependencies, then create a .env file based on the provided .env.example, and add your mnemonic phrase.

Bridge an existing ERC20 token from Ethereum to Beam

First, we have to choose which contracts should serve as a base for our use case. In our example, we'll bridge USDC from Ethereum to Beam using upgradeable contracts, so we'll need

  • the Proxy contract on the Ethereum side: ProxyOFTV2Upgradeable
  • an Omnichain ERC20 contract on the Beam side: OFTV2Upgradeable

Create a new contract file, and drop it into contracts/contracts-upgradeable/examples/MyUSDCBridge.sol. This is necessary to not cause any clashes with already deployed contracts with the same name.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;
import "../token/oft/v2/OFTV2Upgradeable.sol";
import "../token/oft/v2/ProxyOFTV2Upgradeable.sol";
contract MyUsdcProxyOFT is ProxyOFTWithFeeUpgradeable {}
contract MyUsdcOFT is OFTWithFeeUpgradeable {
  // custom extensions go here, USDC has 6 decimals
  function decimals() public view virtual override returns (uint8) {
    return 6;

Then we update constants/tokenConfig.js and add some config. ERC20 Proxy contracts require the address of the token they're proxying as input, all other types need a name and symbol for the token.

  beam: {
    MyUsdcOFT: {
      name: "USD Coin",
      symbol: "USDC",
  ethereum: {
    MyUsdcProxyOFT: {
      // USDC address on Ethereum:
      address: "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",

Next we'll find the deploy scripts for our base contracts in the deploy folder (ProxyOFTV2Upgradeable.js and OFTV2Upgradeable.js). Duplicate and rename the files, and update the CONTRACT_NAME constant on the top to match your contracts' names (MyUsdcProxyOFT and MyUsdcOFT):

const CONTRACT_NAME = "MyUsdcProxyOFT";

That being done, we can start deploying our contracts like this:

# deploy upgradeable OFT to Beam
npx hardhat --network beam deploy --tags MyUsdcOFT
# deploy upgradeable ProxyOFT to Ethereum
npx hardhat --network ethereum deploy --tags MyUsdcProxyOFT

The following command executes all necessary default setup for the contracts we've just deployed by running multiple on-chain transactions.

# Beam
npx hardhat --network beam setupOFT --target-network ethereum --local-contract MyUsdcOFT --remote-contract MyUsdcProxyOFT
# Ethereum
npx hardhat --network ethereum setupOFT --target-network beam --local-contract MyUsdcProxyOFT --remote-contract MyUsdcOFT

All done, let's test our bridge by transferring 20 USDC from Ethereum to Beam:

# grant token allowance to proxy contract
npx hardhat --network ethereum approveERC20 --contract MyUsdcProxyOFT
# bridge 20 USDC from Ethereum to Beam
npx hardhat --network ethereum oftv2Send --target-network beam --qty 20 --local-contract MyUsdcProxyOFT --remote-contract MyUsdcOFT

Bridge an existing ERC721 NFT from Avalanche Fuji to Beam Testnet

In this section we'll demonstrate how to bridge an ERC721 NFT. To mix things up, we'll use non-upgradeable contracts here. We'll start again by selecting our base contracts:

  • ProxyONFT721 for Fuji
  • ExtendedONFT721 for Beam (ONFT721 with batch-transfers and on-chain royalties)

We'll create a contract file in contracts/examples/MyNFT.sol with the following contents:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.18;
import "../token/onft721/ProxyONFT721.sol";
import "../token/onft721/extensions/ExtendedONFT721.sol";
contract MyONFTProxy is ProxyONFT721 {}
contract MyONFT is ExtendedONFT721 {
  // custom extensions go here

...and a configuration in constants/tokenConfig.js like this:

  'beam-testnet': {
    MyONFT: {
      name: "Snakes on a chain",
      symbol: "SNAKE",
      baseUri: "",
      royaltyBasePoints: 500, // 100 = 1%, defaults to 0
      minGas: 100000, // defaults to 100000
  fuji: {
    MyONFTProxy: {
      // Snakes on a chain NFT contract address on Fuji:
      address: "0x588348d84498d0689B76F89438bE58999a5434EE",
      minGas: 100000, // defaults to 100000

Next we'll duplicate the relevant deploy scripts and update CONTRACT_NAME in the scripts to match ours (MyONFTProxy, MyONFT):

cp deploy/ProxyONFT721.js deploy/MyONFTProxy.js
cp deploy/ExtendedONFT721.js deploy/MyONFT.js
sed -i 's/ProxyONFT721/MyONFTProxy/' deploy/MyONFTProxy.js
sed -i 's/ExtendedONFT721/MyONFT/' deploy/MyONFT.js

Then we deploy and set up the contracts:

# deploy
npx hardhat --network beam-testnet deploy --tags MyONFT
npx hardhat --network fuji deploy --tags MyONFTProxy
# setup
npx hardhat --network beam-testnet setupONFT --target-network fuji --local-contract MyONFT --remote-contract MyONFTProxy
npx hardhat --network fuji setupONFT --target-network beam-testnet --local-contract MyONFTProxy --remote-contract MyONFT
# grant NFT allowance to proxy contract
npx hardhat --network fuji approveNFT --contract MyONFTProxy
# send NFT #1 from Fuji to Beam Testnet
npx hardhat --network fuji onftSend --target-network beam-testnet --token-id 1 --contract MyONFTProxy

Verify contracts

The repository uses hardhat-deploy (opens in a new tab), which makes it easy to verify deployed contracts on Etherscan & Co. and Sourcify:

# verify on (incl. Beam Explorer)
npx hardhat --network beam sourcify
npx hardhat --network ethereum sourcify
# verify on
# set ETHERSCAN_ONLY_API_KEY in your `.env` or add `--api-key "YourEtherscanApiKey"` to command
npx hardhat --network ethereum etherscan-verify
# verify on (Avalanche C-Chain)
# set SNOWTRACE_API_KEY in your `.env` or add `--api-key "YourSnowtraceApiKey"` to command
npx hardhat --network avalanche etherscan-verify

Supported networks

The LayerZero protocol is active on a wide selection of test (opens in a new tab)- and mainnets (opens in a new tab), though not all chains are interconnected by default.

Currently, both Beam test- and mainnet connect to

  • Ethereum (Goerli on testnet)
  • Avalanche C-Chain
  • BNB Smart Chain
  • Fantom

If your project requires interconnectivity with another network, the Beam team is happy to help!